In the 75 years of MehaffyWeber’s practice, one of the firm’s most formative and important aspects has been its longstanding involvement in the local communities it serves. From Houston to Beaumont and Austin to San Antonio, MehaffyWeber’s attorneys put their hands and minds to work to support a variety of organizations and causes throughout the region. While many law firms mainly focus on professional association involvement, MehaffyWeber’s legacy of leadership extends far beyond the legal industry.
Beaumont, for instance, is part of the vast and diverse Texas arts scene. Once home to musicians like George Jones and Janis Joplin, artists like Robert Rauschenberg, and actors like G.W. Bailey, the Southeast Texas city is a natural hotbed of local talent. MehaffyWeber in particular has a great appreciation for the Beaumont arts. Several attorneys at the firm, including Barbara Barron and Kate Thorne, have worked with the Symphony League of Beaumont. Its mission is to offer support and promotion of the growth of the Symphony of Southeast Texas, while also working to foster and encourage musical education, participation, and appreciation of the membership and public. Both Barron and Michele Smith have worked with the league for over 15 years and Barron is currently vice president of individual giving for the Symphony and serves on both the Executive board and the Board of f Directors with Sandra Clark who is the current President-Elect for the Symphony, as well as a past president and board member of the Art Museum of Southeast Texas.
Along with the Beaumont arts community, MehaffyWeber attorneys have also volunteered their time over the years with many education, child, and family-related organizations and institutions. One that is close to the hearts of many of the firm’s attorneys is the Southeast Texas Family Resource Center, which provides childcare, building rentals, and aid to senior citizens, among other services, to its surrounding communities. Barbara Barron helped to found the center in 2000 and chaired the project that raised the necessary funds to build its current facilities and is the current Board President. Frank Domino is a current board member for the center as well.
Members of the firm have also worked with the Boy Scouts of America (BSA). Since its inception in 1910, the BSA has provided the nation’s foremost youth program of character development and values-based leadership training to help young people be better prepared for life. Frank Domino currently serves on the Executive Board for BSA’s Three Rivers Council and is an Assistant Scoutmaster for Troop 181. M.C. Carrington also served on the BSA’s Three Rivers Council for ten years.
Adding to the many organizations already mentioned, the female lawyers of MehaffyWeber also extend a helping hand to the Junior League of Beaumont. The league is an organization of women committed to promoting volunteerism, developing the potential of women, and improving communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Barbara Barron has been a member for over 20 years and is currently a Sustainer. Michele Smith was president of the League in 2005, while Kate Thorne has been a member since 2018. Thorne is currently assisting with the group’s rollout of their latest signature project where it will select a local nonprofit organization to partner with for 2022. All three women have been recognized by the Junior League for their various contributions.
Food insecurity is something that affects millions of Texans, and various attorneys at MehaffyWeber are proud to serve as board members of the Southeast Texas Food Bank and volunteers with the San Antonio Food Bank.
Another organization near and dear to the firm is The Humane Society of Southeast Texas, a nonprofit charitable organization that is supported entirely by donations to promote animal welfare. Managing Shareholder Bob Black previously served as president of the society, while Barron served as chair of the fundraising committee and has helped the Humane Society on a pro bono basis.
Lou Scofield has served on the Board of Directors for the Beaumont Heritage Society, a nonprofit organized for educational and civic purposes to preserve and interpret the historic collections of the John Jay French House Museum and the Chambers House Museum to foster a connection to Beaumont’s history and inspire others to value preservation and heritage for the benefit of the community.
The firm continues to provide pro bono legal advice to nonprofits as well. Many lawyers speak and counsel individual nonprofits on their bylaws, governance structure, policies and employment practices. Additionally, firm members speak at various United Way’s and Southeast Texas Nonprofit Development Center’s seminars.
Many of the attorneys at MehaffyWeber value and take pride in their religious faith and often volunteer their time with faith-based groups and initiatives. Here are just a few of the many worship centers the firm serves with:
- Catholic Charities
- Anthony Cathedral School
- First Central Presbyterian Church
- Andrew’s Presbyterian Church
- Harvest United Methodist Church
- Northwest Houston Church
As the firm continues to move forward after 75 years in practice, it feels immense pride in its local communities. In addition to the many organizations that have already been mentioned, members of our firm volunteer for numerous nonprofit organizations, including serving in leadership positions with:
- American Heart Association
- Habitat for Humanity
- Ray Walsh Foundation, President
- Art Museum of Southeast Texas, President-Elect
- Orange Chamber of Commerce, Past President
- Baptist Hospitals of Southeast Texas, Past President
- CHRISTUS Southeast Texas Foundation, Board Member
- Lamar University Foundation, Board Member
- Crime Stoppers of Houston, Inc., Board Member
- School Boards of Directors,
- Rotary Club, Past President
- Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo
- Family Promise
- Texas Energy Museum
- Beaumont Chamber of Commerce
- Garth House
- League of Women Voters, Past President
- Healthy Communities Initiative
- Texas Tech University School of Law Alumni Foundation
- Shorkey Center, Past President
- Monsignor Kelly Catholic High School, Past Board President
Using Our Legacy of Leadership to Support Local Communities
For 75 years, MehaffyWeber has taken pride in its leadership in the local communities it serves. As we turn the corner into the next years of our professional lifespan, we look forward to continuing to serve Texas both in and out of the courtroom.