
Mattress Firm Executives Facing Litigation Over Breach of Fiduciary Duty

Breach of Fiduciary Duty

​​Many brick and mortar businesses are struggling to compete with online retailers. Because of changing market conditions, many businesses are forced to close their doors or file for bankruptcy. Texas-based Mattress Firm has recently filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy and stated it will be closing hundreds of stores nationwide. However, the exact cause of Mattress Firm’s bankruptcy is heavily disputed.

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Class Actions and Direct Mailing Lists

class action defense

​​Direct mail is an extremely common way plaintiffs’ lawyers notify and obtain additional clients for large group litigations; however, this method is fraught with legal problems, as illustrated in a recent New York case. The judge’s ruling could have huge implications for future lawsuits and both plaintiff and defense attorneys are closely watching.

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New Ruling Will Impact Multi-family Construction Defect Lawsuits In Texas

Multi-family Construction Defect Lawsuits

​​The construction industry in Texas is booming, and while this has many positive effects, it has also given rise to an increase in construction defect lawsuits. Many of these lawsuits arise from multi-family construction projects, particularly condominium projects. A recent Texas Appeals Court decision, however, reaffirms statutory barriers to construction defect lawsuits arising from condominium projects.

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Industries Most Commonly Plagued With Product Liability Claims

products liability claims

​​Nothing can derail a business faster than a wave of product liability claims. With plaintiff’s attorneys advertising on television, radio, and online, product liability claims can quickly escalate out of control. While nearly all industries are susceptible to these types of claims, some industries face them more often than others. Here are some of the most heavily sued industries and examples of how we have helped our clients overcome allegations of product liability.

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Business Organizations: Choosing The Right Entity

Business Formation Attorneys

​​Starting your own business can be incredibly exciting. However, it isn’t all fun and games. There are many important decisions that must be made at the very beginning of an entity’s lifespan, such as how it will be capitalized, who will hold management authority, how the entity will be taxed and who will be liable for its contract, tort, and statutory obligations. One of the most important decisions business owners make is determining the type of entity for their business.

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